MTC conserves

One of our social missions is MTC Conserves. The current climate disaster shows every organisation must work to reduce their carbon footprint. MTC is taking global steps to ensure all processes are as environmentally friendly as possible, and that carbon emissions are offset.

Our key targets are to have 30 per cent of employees driving electric vehicles by 2026, and to have 50 per cent of home-based permanent employees using sustainable energy providers by 2026.

MTC is also preparing to make the 1.5 degrees pledge. This is an initiative that aims to hold global temperature rise to 1.5 percent above pre-industrial levels. This involves hitting net-zero emissions by 2050.

Five steps to significant conservation

1. Develop carbon reduction plan

This is a five year plan with a roadmap of how we move to become more carbon-neutral in addition to offsetting any carbon created.

2. Deliver actions

We will carry out the recommendations in the carbon reduction plan, managing and delivering them in a timely way.

3. MTC Conserves committee

We will engage employees in the social mission by forming an internal committee who guide and support our work in carrying out the carbon reduction plan recommendations.

4. Electric car salary sacrifice scheme

We will investigate the benefits of such a scheme, initially with Octopus Electric Vehicles, similar to the Cycle to Work Scheme. This will save employees up to 40 per cent on the cost of driving a brand new electric car. Free home charge points will also be installed.

5. Switching to sustainable energy providers

We will partner with a provider, encouraging employees to switch to sustainable energy providers. All energy will come from 100 per cent renewable resources and we will ensure employees are offered ‘smart’ renewable energy tariffs.