About us

MTC UK: Our team

Responsible for making strategic decisions, our Group Directors and Directors work across all areas of the business.

Our team is made up of real experts with years of experience in the criminal justice sector. Their combined knowledge gives MTC the direction to best deliver quality services and deliver on our mission.

Ian Mulholland
Managing Director of MTC
Sarah Pavlou
Group Director
Emma Tobin
Director of Bidding
Chris White
Director of Health, Safety and Estates
Harry Porter
Director of HR
Michael Snodden
Director of Transformation
Ciara Ryan
Director of Finance

What we stand for

Our values
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We do what we say we will. We take responsibility for our actions. And we get real results, capturing the evidence that proves it.
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We care about people and giving them an opportunity to transform their lives. We’re passionate about providing the right support and personal development opportunities for our employees.
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We’re open about what we do and how we do it. This inspires trust in those we work with but it’s up to all of us to make sure we continually earn that trust.
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We know we can’t transform lives on our own. So we collaborate closely with community organisations and like-minded partners, sharing our knowledge, expertise and experience.

Our purpose Why we exist

Transforming lives by unlocking potential

Our vision Where we want to be

To be a recognised global leader in social impact because we empower people to make positive life choices.

Our mission How we’re going to get there

By 2030 MTC is committed to supporting 300 people from socially and economic deprived backgrounds into sustainable employment through our social impact investment initiative and our MTC mentoring programme. We will do this while reducing our use of vital resources.
That’s how we strengthen communities and transform lives.

Our history

Founded in 1981, MTC has focused on the importance of education and training from the beginning. We continue to prize education as the most important element of our work moving forwards.
  • 80s
  • 90s
  • 00s
  • 10s
  • 20s
MTC founded by Robert L Marquardt in the USA, starting with four Job Corps centers.
Job Corps is a programme that provides education and vocational training to young men and women aged 16 to 24, across the USA
Expanded into management of correctional facilities, taking over a facility in California.
Launch of MTC works
MTC Works supports around 7,000 people a year with employment and training opportunities in three Oregon counties.
Scott Marquardt takes over as President of MTC
MTC takes over Borallon Correctional Centre in Queensland, Australia
MTC launches MTC Medical
MTC Medical provides high quality medical services to men and women in several of MTC’s custodial facilities in the USA.
MTC is contracted to document education and training in Palestine
MTC joins with Amey to create MTCnovo in the UK, managing probation and community rehabilitation across London and Thames Valley
MTCnovo is awarded the contract to run Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre
MTCnovo buys out Amey, becoming MTC UK
Ian Mulholland joins MTC UK as Managing Director
All UK probation services are returned to the public sector and MTC UK begins a new journey, focusing on education, employment and custody opportunities, entering this sector through strategic acquisition.
Manston escorting commences
Mobilise the UK's first residential holding rooms